Serge Kalombo (Mysquare): A Luxembourg start-up in Kigali
Born in Liège, Serge Kalombo chose to create his start-up in Luxemburg to develop his Real Estate platform in Kigali, Rwanda. Interview.
Why Kigali ?
My choice surprises many people given that my parents are Congolese. I created MySquare at Kigali for many reasons, but if I had to give only one I would say that I have been influenced and inspired when reading an article of Dr Harnet who is the founder of "AfricaJumpStart.com". This article is about targeting the investments in Africa through rational rather than emotional criteria. With its almost 3 million inhabitants, Kigali is currently facing a growth in the real estate sector, which makes my project particularly relevant.
"Kigali is experiencing an unprecedented real estate boom"
Could you describe your project in two words?
MySquare wishes to become like « Athome » at Kigali, where the real estate sector is booming. The first step is to create a digital platform where all agencies which have the agreement for that will be able to sell or rent their properties. The second step is to implement the «MLS» (Multiple Listing Service, ndlr), a system that allows to share the exclusive mandates in a multi-diffused way for a better collaboration and transparency between agents and brokers in real estate. One quote that could describe the state of mind of MySquare is from Winston Churchill: « A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty».
Why Luxemburg ?
After my studies at Liège, I started my carreer in the Insurrance sector in Belgium before joining Vivium and then Bâloise in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. In 2015, I had the opportunity to participate to the "Game of Roads" project of Bâloise. This project ended to an App that can evaluate the driving behavior of the users. That's when I took the virus of innovation, digital. I then decided to found MySquare. Between the support of Nyuko who coaches me and the community I found at "The Office", I think my project finds here the best combinations to succeed. I am back from Kigali where I spent 3 weeks and I can confirm the enormous potential of this country.